If you live in San Antonio TX and know that you have bad credit, you may be worried about auto financing, especially if your vehicle is on the fritz or you don’t own one yet. While you are likely to face higher interest rates and may not be able to go through traditional lenders (such as banks), you can still get the funding you need and don’t have to be swindled. It’s just a matter of searching for and using a company that can be trusted.
Credit Unions
Banks are less likely to give you a loan, especially if you’re a high-risk or medium-risk candidate. However, CUs may be more willing to help, though they may require that you be a member with them first. If you’re not a member of a CU and they can’t help you, it may still be possible to get help elsewhere.
Friends And Peer-To-Peer Funds
If you’re really afraid of lenders, you can ask your friends for money, though it isn’t recommended. You can also set up a crowd-funding account where friends and strangers can give you money for the things you need. However, this can take a long time and may still not get you enough for the vehicle you want.
Specialty Lenders
San Antonio TX bad credit auto financing may be easiest with a lender who specializes in sub-prime loans. They already know that you’re a high-risk individual and are still willing to work with you. They’ll give you pre-approval within minutes if you’re qualified, and may even work with dealerships in the area to make sure you can get a car. San Antonio TX bad credit auto financing is easier with Business Name. Visit us today to finding a car.