People are always searching for ways to save money when making significant purchases. Timing is everything during such significant investments, and car buying is no exception. You may be able to save money on your new car’s purchase when you time it right. Car dealerships offer discounts on new cars at specific times of the year. Therefore, you can take advantage of these times to get a good deal on new cars for sale in Schaumburg, IL. Here are the best times to purchase a new car from your local car dealership, in no particular order.
End of the Month
One of the best times to purchase new cars for sale in Schaumburg, IL, is at the end of the month. During this time, most car dealers are usually a few cars short of their monthly sales quota that would earn them a huge bonus. As such, salespeople have the motivation to sell cars to make up for the money lost with the bonus. Therefore, they deeply discount cars. That is the time you shouldn’t let a car deal pass you by.
Mondays and Wednesdays
Mondays can also be good days to purchase a new vehicle at your local car dealership. The salesperson most likely has fewer customers on Monday than other days. As such, the agent will have more time to negotiate with you. Wednesdays are also good days to visit a car dealership. Since it’s the middle of the week, most dealerships don’t have much customer traffic, which makes it a slow peak time. You might save a few dollars on buying a car on Monday or Wednesday compared to Sunday.
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Eve tends to be one of the best times of the year to get a great deal on a new car. You can also select a date close to the end of the year. Sales teams at car dealerships have monthly, quarterly, and annual quotas. Therefore, you are most likely going to get a discount.
Timing is crucial if you want to buy your dream car while on a budget. If you have done your homework right, you can make use of these times to save a significant amount of money on your purchase.
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