When you decide to buy a truck, the plan is to invest in a vehicle that will do more than get you to and from work. It must have features that provide the performance and the comfort you want. As you begin to look around, keep in mind that the Ford F-150 in Elgin is likely to provide all the essentials plus a little more. Keep these three features in mind and you can’t go wrong.
Plenty of Room in the Cab
You won’t always be traveling solo. When you do have family or friends along, you want everyone to be comfortable. A larger cab will accomplish that. Shoot for a truck like the Ford F-150 that Elgin residents love and has ample seating for up to six people. Even when you don’t have anyone along, that extra room can be used for everything from stowing your luggage to taking along snacks for the road.
Excellent Towing Capacity
You need a way to get the boat to and from the lake. When you need to haul a trailer to help a friend move, it also helps to have a truck that can do it without placing a lot of stress on the engine. Go for a truck that has around 10,000 lbs. of towing capacity. You’ll find that the F-150 matches and slightly exceeds that amount.
A Large Fuel Tank
Nobody likes stopping at gas stations every other day. You need a truck with a decent capacity fuel tank. You’ll find that the Ford F-150 in Elgin has a capacity of up to 36 gallons. That will help you get where you need to go without having to constantly stop to fill up.
Today is a great time to find out more about what Hawk Ford of St. Charles has to offer. Visit to take a look at their inventory of new trucks and see what you think. You’re sure to see at least a couple of trucks that will make you want to drop by and take them for a quick test drive.